X Machina Flora
Hanna Inaiáh

ArtiMAGAZINE is set to publish 4 issues each year, corresponding to the seasons. 
This schedule provides a significant platform and valuable opportunities
 for AI-driven artists to reach a global audience.

As part of this effort, we are hosting a themed challenge open to the public, 
aimed at helping emerging artists gain more exposure. 
Please carefully read the instructions below.

Themed Challenge - # FLORAL

Selected Artists:

The winner of the FLORAL-themed challenge will be featured in a dedicated interview section across our printed magazine, website, and Instagram platform.

Honourable Mention:
Honourable mentions will also be featured and credited in the printed magazine.

The artwork you submit should be related to and inspired by the theme: FLORAL.

We accept AI-driven art in various forms, 
such as painting, photography, music, architecture, and more.

Artwork Information & Rules:
  • Brief: Provide a brief description of your artwork and an explanation to help our team understand it better.

  • Titled:  Your submission must belong to the same series and have a title.

  • Aspect Ratios: There are no strict requirements, you can provide multiple formats such as 1:1 square, portrait, and landscape.

  • Resolution: All images and videos must be high resolution (1K or higher).

  • Formats: Accepted file formats include JPG, PNG, PDF, TIFF, MP3, and MP4.

Submission // Selection // Results:
We are only accepting email applications for this open call.

  • Deadline: September 27th.
  • Results Announcement: Early October.
    We will contact the winner and all honourable mentions with further details.


By participating in this open call, you declare:

"I certify that I am over 18 years of age. I have permission from my entire creative team to publish my images in ArtiAI and ArtiMAGAZINE. I understand that I am granting ArtiMAGAZINE a one-time, free-of-charge, non-exclusive right to use the artwork in the following ways: to publish it in print and online, and to share it on social media. I consent to indemnify ArtiAI against any claim, demand, action, suit, or other proceedings arising from the use of the artwork and related to any false or inaccurate statement."


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just drop us an email:

Art Reaches To Infinity